As China pulls ahead with its fast moving trains, Americans ponder whether Sarah Palin scribbles notes on her lovely hands.Could it be that Sarah Palin is a fast movin' train?
We all know what Sarah Palin can do to a crowd.Let's take a look at another "picture from life's other side" to see a bit about what fast trains can do for some Chinese:
"Once the speed gauge hits 350 kilometers per hour, or 217 miles per hour, passengers charge down the aisle to photograph the electronic display.
"'If we go any faster, we'll take off!' jokes Hu Qing, cracking open another can of beer on China's world-record-breaking train.
"The Dec. 26 opening of the high-speed link between south Chinese cities Guangzhou and Wuhan is the latest example of massive state spending to keep China's economy roaring.
"The fast-expanding network of high-speed trains is stoking patriotism, too."
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