Thursday, December 10, 2009

Need an exciting job: why not try Afghanistan?

Let's face it.

Good jobs are hard to find stateside.

If the money won't come to you, why not seek it out -- in Afghanistan?

Just keep close your helmet and your body armor.

There are a growing number of jobs for Americans and others in military and civilian Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT).

(Not to be confused with PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which is something some combat people bring home with them from Afghanistan).

Let's remember there are exciting jobs available out there in Afghanistan -- as the U.S. seeks to mediate, administer and protect local development.

Employees at UK/US/Danish PRT
in Lashkargar

Men and women of an adventurous nature have ahead of them exciting and challenging cultural and professional experiences which will enrich them for the rest of their lives.

And the money isn't bad.

The State Department and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) are currently advertising for new recruits for temporary positions at $70,000 to $155,000 a year.

Check this USAID page for more detail on Provincial Reconstruction Teams.

USAID employees assist Afghan agriculture

Canadian PRT forces in Kandahar

American PRT police officer in Gardez

American PRT women officers in Jalalabad

There are issues:

Are the PRT's under U.S. military protection and leadership economic development tools militarized and Americanized and -- thus made more vulnerable to Taliban attack?

Can new forms of PRT more independent of the military be developed without being vulnerable to Taliban attack?

Are these PRT's compromising the role of non-government organizations (NGO's) as neutral humanitarian organizations protected from military attack?

Not to worry.

Everywhere is controversy.

When times are tough, go where the jobs are.



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