Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Book of Moritz: God's Plan

In going through my files I discovered something written by my fertile crescent ancesters centuries ago. This, it was revealed to them, was God's plan:

Book of Moritz, IXX, 1-22)

To create men, to challenge and try women
To become ever more perfect while
dealing with the inadequacies of men.

To create man as a thorn in woman's side
to keep her humble, free from excessive arrogance,
remind her she is always below the gods,
as she struggles with the hurt inflicted by men.
Healing hurt with sacred lust.

To create women, to challenge and try men
To become ever more perfect while
dealing with the inadequacies of women.

To create women as a thorn in man's side
to keep him humble, free from excessive arrogance,
remind him he always below the gods,
as he struggles with the hurt inflicted by women.
Healing hurt with sacred lust.

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