Friday, July 29, 2005

To Come Home Aged but Ageless

A child cries out "'grandpa" and reaches out to touch a seasoned man he has only for the first time met.

Is this some ancient gene of automatic recognition with an automatic hunger for a seasoned face distant in years but close in kinship?

Then sing, sing, sing an ancient lullaby deep from a grandpa's youth. Maybe "All the Pretty Little Horses."

Stroke the child's hair. Watch relaxation cover the sleepy face. A timeless ritual softens the cry and eases him to sleep.

What's It All About?

The feeling that one has made a difference.
That there is something of you that will continue after you're gone.
That the fact that you have lived has in some way changed the world.
To touch a child....especially if that child is part of you.
To calm that child with stroking and a song.

These special moments transcend all hardships, all roadblocks which make rough the highway of life.

Reaffirmed is the world's natural order.

To hold and look upon the youngest is to come home aged but ageless.

In this instant moment of recognition, "The Circle is Unbroken."

Age, it has no meaning -- as the river flows on....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree.....This is so very beautifully written and touches my heart.
