It goes all the way back to the overthrow of oppressive British rule, to the tradition of no holds barred self reliance on the wild frontier.
This despite well established practices of regulation in areas of public health and food and consumer safety.
To err on the side of anarchy is a grand American tradition.
Right on up from the often dysfunctional family, the out of control schools, the polarizing passions over abortion and evolution, the loose regulation of assault rifles, the marginally regulated banks and mortgages, the out of control credit card expansion and the now notorious lack of regulation of high risk investments, derivatives of sub prime rate mortgages.
Anarchy in America is alive and well. Now it has been shared with the world.
American anarchy and opposition to regulation are grand components of today's global economic downturn.
Many products now bear on them the label "made in China."
Today's move toward global downturn bears the label "made in America."
For a time, at least, much of the world must view America as a big part of the problem -- no matter how much Americans prefer to see themselves as the solution.
For now in America no one seems to be in charge.
But other countries around the world are beginning to push for more
order in the US -- and for global co-operation to reduce the spreading
of American anarchy to other parts of the world.
Now, that's a switch......