"The Best Defense is a Strong Offense."
That catchy phrase is so often used as a foundation for America's defense against terrorism.
To clean out the stables where violent schemes are hatched, to send American soldiers and bases abroad, to remake into peace loving American style democracies the autocratic societies where terrorism sprouts.
To transform the world into a reflection of American values.
Or, in the words of Woodrow Wilson, "to make the world safe for democracy."
FEAR of attack requires increased security and that requires increased power. Yet this growing power vigorously projected abroad increasingly makes America the target.
As the basing of US forces in Saudi Arabia following the Gulf war enraged Arab militants such as bin Laden. As American occupation of Iraq stirs the militant hunger for still more revenge against the United States.
More American FEAR completes the circle.
So a FEARFUL "war on terror" morphs into a struggle to build American supremacy in the Middle East.
Taking on fundamentalist Iran, the one potentially nuclear armed power that can present an overt challenge to a US trapped in an Iraq crater of its own making.
Shakily entrenched in Iraq to Iran's west and Afghanistan to the east, the Americans intensify their containment of Iran by building ties with Iran's northern neighbor, Azerbaijan, once a part of the Soviet Union.
FEAR. Listen to Columbia University international politics professor Robert Jervis:
"Fear is an enormous driver in international politics. Again, I go back to Thucydides, the cause of the Peloponesian Wars, the growth of Athenian power and the fear it created in others, what we call the security dilemma which is the way in which one country increases its power and makes others less secure. I think this isn't the root cause but it's one of the two or three root causes of international politics, and living in New York especially, you saw fear and what it did and what it does...
"You saw the Bush administration feel it in their gut, partly because there were all the stories about nuclear weapons planted in Washington. None of us knew this but I've heard enough now -- I don't know the sources, but they really did believe it. So, they felt the fear in their gut, and then I think they did manipulate it for their own purposes. International politics is a great home of fear."
FEAR merges with many traditions of American expansion.
The greatest period of American expansion followed the World War II defeat of Germany and Japan. "Remember Pearl Harbor" was a slogan which tranlated into into a "never again" vigilance against a possible Soviet attack. Massive armaments, global alliances and farflung bases transformed the U.S. into the world's number one power after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The political fault lines in debates on historic American expansionism go back to 1847 and 1898. The patterns are remarkably similar to today.
In the Mexican War of 1847 and the Spanish American War of 1898 American unilateralism challenged Europe's old order -- and asserted the right of American military power to shape important regions of the world.
Those two grand small wars pitted growing American power against yesterday's infidels, those seen to be barbaric remnants of Europe's Roman Catholicism.
In those great national near religious debates New England was so frequently the cradle of the anti-war camp -- and the South, including Texas, the place where religious fundamentalism and
military tradition provide the great wellspring for military expansion.
Living in the South helps to understand how deeply rooted in America is the expansionist religious, military tradition. A truly sacred part of American life, a deep, deep color in American history.
Christian based American expansionism often takes on a barbaric dictator such as Saddam the "Butcher of Baghdad," or Weyler "the Butcher of Havana," or the great Mexican tyrant once supported by the Americans -- Santa Anna of Mexico.
Human rights and the spreading of democracy is often powerful rhetoric and belief, a gateway for expansionist war.
The Mexican American war, begun to help slavery survive, proved a democracy could fight an offensive battle deep into the heart of Mexico. It brought Texas, the Southwest and California into the United States, in a grand expression of "manifest destiny." It was democracy's first expansionist war, aside from campaigns to defeat Indians.
The Spanish American war, fought in part to liberate Cuba from Spanish atrocities, brought America empire into Cuba and the Philippines. Made the US a player in the Pacific. Opened the door to World War II by beginning a growing American rivalry with Japan.
"Remember the Alamo," "Remember the Battleship Maine," "Remember Pearl Harbor," "Remember 9/11."
All were blood atrocities shrouded in murky dust, though their origins not always clear, which became the causa belli for the spreading of American power. When defense became a rationale for offense. The rallying cries for US military assaults on Mexico City, up San Juan Hill, through the streets of Baghdad.
War in Iraq: to weaken possible future sanctuaries for terrorists, strengthen an American military and oil presence in the Middle East -- and in its grandest expansionist dream to transform that area into the image of American Judeo-Christian democracy. And indirectly to strengthen the long arm of the American presence into the once forbidden underbelly of the former Soviet Union.
The War Camp and the Peace Camp. When circumstances open the gate to war, these camps reemerge, always different, but with remarkable continuity.
Take the last presidential election: John Kerry, Brahmin New England elitist flies in sullied form the hi brow, poetic internationalist peace mongering flag of Margaret Fuller during the Mexican War. George Bush, rich diapered adopted son of the Texas frontier could be speaking the language of crushing Filipino insurrection after Americans took over that Spanish colony during the Spanish American War:
"We'll hunt em down ---- and civilize em with a Krag (rifle)"
Even the rhetoric shows remarkable parallels......
Onward Christian Soldiers, marching as to war.......
Spread the light of freedom to create a better world.
Is this right or wrong?
Let's just say it's the flow of history, a familiar recurrent pattern as angry, fearful, awakened Judeo-Christian power clashes with a resurgent Islamic fundamentalism.
Different? Yes, but echoes all the same....Keep listening.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Shocking Iraq possibility: peace breaks out!
(Written in December 2002, during the run up to the March 2003 American led invasion of Iraq.)
The preconditions for peace are fairly simple. Indeed it is a shocking possibility that peace could be the road ahead.
Both Bush and Saddam have an escape door from war, if they choose to open it.
For much of the wrangling so far has concerned mass destruction weapons the US says were never destroyed by Iraq - but which Iraq claims to have destroyed by the mid 1990's.
Yet the really compelling long term issues concern not so much any existing weapons but the possibility Saddam has the means and intent and the technical and scientific talent pool to produce more.
Fascinating as the current inspections and voluminous Iraq reports are, if one goes back to consult the public intelligence conclusions (CIA, British, and International Institute of Strategic Studies) much of this may be irrelevant.
What is striking is that ALL these intelligence estimates focus NOT on existing stocks of weapons, but the potential CAPACITY of Iraq to quickly produce chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons in the future, if Saddam wishes to. They all assume Saddam wishes to.
All are very VAGUE on anything already in existence. A major issue here is the ability to mobilize dual use facilities for FUTURE weapons production.
If peace to be preserved, some way will need to be opened to shape Saddam's intent, to watchdog and ensure that Iraq's capacity to produce future weapons does not actually produce those weapons.
If a peaceful way is sought, it will be less important to account for every remaining piece of weaponry (thus proving Saddam a liar to be ousted) and more important to develop extensive inspection techniques to bar, to prevent future production.
If the US seeks war, it can easily find or manufacture a "causus belli" based around weapons alleged to be hidden from the past.
If the US seeks to avoid war, it will need to engage Iraq in the kind of long term extensive inspections which will be needed to bar weapons production in the future.
If both sides decide war is unacceptable, they will find ways to finesse the issue of weapons remaining from earlier disarmament while focusing on a regimen of tight controls for the future.
Both Bush and Saddam will need macho opportunities to claim victory, to pose as powerful warriors.
For Bush it will be the media driven image of playing Teddy Roosevelt, of intimidating, bending, humiliating the "Butcher of Baghdad." For Saddam it would be the ability to emerge as an Arab hero --- facing down, resisting, surviving the Yankee colonialist.
But peace will only break out if BOTH Iraq and the United States come to understand that the alternative could be "disastrous" for both sides: for Saddam his death will be certain; for the US a costly war which may undermine its economy and deprive George Bush of re-election.
Bush must come to think (and fear) that invading and occupying Iraq will escalate the threat of terrorism, isolate the US globally, and risk large US casualties, including possibly from chemical and biological weapons... If war appears easy, affordable, safe, Bush will choose the path of military violence.
Saddam must see...a continued and deadly deployment of US forces that can be sustained over time. That this American presence ....will destroy him if he embarks on any further course of producing FUTURE weapons of mass destruction....He must see a tough long term American policy that does not turn "to go home" when a different President comes to power.
Hanging over this is a major question mark.
Is it technically possible to monitor, to watchdog future Iraq weapons production? And if Iraq moves to produce mass destruction weapons in the future, how hard would it be to attack then?
If the Administration decides this is impossible, or impractical, it may decide to skip the shocking possibility of peace and to go to war "now."
And make as its excuse an argument over missing weapons from the past.
(And so it came to pass.)
Saturday, April 15, 2006
A Jewish conspiracy? So far God isn't talking...
When it comes to Judas, everyone "spins" the story. Both then and now.
What really happened? So far God isn't talking.
But some people say they are "in the loop."
"I think I was chosen by Judas to rehabilitate him," Ms. Tchacos Nussberger, 65, is quoted as saying in one of the National Geographic Society's books, "The Lost Gospel," by Herbert Krosney. Mr. Krosney is also an independent television producer who brought the project to the Society.
Ms. Tchacos Nussberger, Jewish, was instrumental in making the Judas Gospel available for translation and publication by the National Geographic.
The freelance producer of the National Geographic special, is Herbert Krosney, Jewish, an experienced journalist who lives half the time in Jerusalem and half the time in New York.
The second century A.D. Church leader Irenaeus seems to have raised the blackening of Judas to the fore in the battle against Gnosticism, a mystical religious strain which sometimes raised disciple Judas as Christ's "chosen one."
The Gnostic Gospel of Judas was excluded from the Christian Church canon.
As centuries passed from the day of Irenaeus, an increasingly black portrayal of Judas, based on the four canonized gospels, had become a central symbolic representation of Anti-Semitism. Judas the Jew selling out Christ for 30 pieces of silver.
In European pograms and in the ghettoes of American cities Anti-Semitic gangs screamed "Judas, Jesus killers" at the Jews they chased, stoned, sometimes killed.
So is raising up a new Gnostic gospel text from the third or fourth century A.D. a Jewish conspiracy to alter Christian doctrine, to protect, and elevate Jews by elevating Judas?
Nothing so grandiose.
Still the agenda is hardly hidden: --- to make a "real splash" in undermining (or broadening, depending on your viewpoint!) traditional pillars of faith canonized in the Christian New Testament.
And by upgrading Judas create an alternate image that undermines one popular historic theological rationalization for Anti-Semitism. The Gospel of Judas maintains Jesus himself asked Judas to betray him -- as part of a broader plan for salvation.
Just the latest use of media to "altar" the way religion is used to view the world.
For mass media is now the secularly religious "altar" upon which doctrine and theology is placed for stimulation, curiosity, discussion, debate.
A battleground for competing faiths and doctrines -- as Jews join others who would reverse the early Church's exclusion of a mystical "heretical" doctrine from the accepted canons of Christian faith.
So the "new Judas" is now one of our latest media scoops. Recycling through dozens of media outlets with a breathless "now it can be told." In a ripple of publicity that has raised esoteric second century theological debates into a lucrative modern media extravaganza.
In our current mass media age theology clearly "rocks."
One other thing:
Almost two thousand years ago the nature of Judas was debated by the Church fathers --- and by all kinds of thoughtful folk in the the tents and caves of Palestine. Today it is argued in thousands of postings on the internet. Sample the discussion and debate in other internet blogs on this topic.
Which blog -- if any -- is God talking?
There appears to be little new in the Geographic's resurrection of the Gospel of Judas, a text rediscovered a quarter of a century ago. View parts of the "lost gospel" translated and printed by the Geographic.
What is new is the way the issue is raised to prominence, and promoted for mass consumption in a world with a mass culture appetite already raised by the titillation of "heresy" --- ie. the massive popularity of the Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code.
The National Geographic has a large campaign promoting the Gospel of Judas, featuring it in two new books, a television documentary, an exhibition and the May issue of the National Geographic magazine. Judas appears to be the favored disciple, given special disclosures from Jesus himself.
Two of the nine member Advisory Board are American academic specialists on Gnosticism, with a personal and professional interest in promoting awareness of this early competitor to the established Christian Church.
In this new old gospel the language is mystical, abstract, full of angelic symbols and visions of a heaven and an underworld. There is the familiar style of Jewish and early Christian Biblical apocalypse. Yet the abstract mystical linguistic flavor vastly differs from all four canonized gospels, each of which tells a different version of the birth, life, and death of Jesus.
And so Judas emerges as a favored disciple, with unique insights into the future, gained from special "access" to teacher Jesus. Saith this gospel:
Judas Gospel
National Geographic translation and publication
National Geographics Advisory Board
Christian Church canon
Parts of the Judas Gospel translated and printed by the National Geographic
Da Vinci Code
Thousands of internet blogs discussing and debating the Gospel of Judas
What really happened? So far God isn't talking.
But some people say they are "in the loop."
"I think I was chosen by Judas to rehabilitate him," Ms. Tchacos Nussberger, 65, is quoted as saying in one of the National Geographic Society's books, "The Lost Gospel," by Herbert Krosney. Mr. Krosney is also an independent television producer who brought the project to the Society.
Ms. Tchacos Nussberger, Jewish, was instrumental in making the Judas Gospel available for translation and publication by the National Geographic.
The freelance producer of the National Geographic special, is Herbert Krosney, Jewish, an experienced journalist who lives half the time in Jerusalem and half the time in New York.
The second century A.D. Church leader Irenaeus seems to have raised the blackening of Judas to the fore in the battle against Gnosticism, a mystical religious strain which sometimes raised disciple Judas as Christ's "chosen one."
The Gnostic Gospel of Judas was excluded from the Christian Church canon.
As centuries passed from the day of Irenaeus, an increasingly black portrayal of Judas, based on the four canonized gospels, had become a central symbolic representation of Anti-Semitism. Judas the Jew selling out Christ for 30 pieces of silver.
In European pograms and in the ghettoes of American cities Anti-Semitic gangs screamed "Judas, Jesus killers" at the Jews they chased, stoned, sometimes killed.
So is raising up a new Gnostic gospel text from the third or fourth century A.D. a Jewish conspiracy to alter Christian doctrine, to protect, and elevate Jews by elevating Judas?
Nothing so grandiose.
Still the agenda is hardly hidden: --- to make a "real splash" in undermining (or broadening, depending on your viewpoint!) traditional pillars of faith canonized in the Christian New Testament.
And by upgrading Judas create an alternate image that undermines one popular historic theological rationalization for Anti-Semitism. The Gospel of Judas maintains Jesus himself asked Judas to betray him -- as part of a broader plan for salvation.
Just the latest use of media to "altar" the way religion is used to view the world.
For mass media is now the secularly religious "altar" upon which doctrine and theology is placed for stimulation, curiosity, discussion, debate.
A battleground for competing faiths and doctrines -- as Jews join others who would reverse the early Church's exclusion of a mystical "heretical" doctrine from the accepted canons of Christian faith.
So the "new Judas" is now one of our latest media scoops. Recycling through dozens of media outlets with a breathless "now it can be told." In a ripple of publicity that has raised esoteric second century theological debates into a lucrative modern media extravaganza.
In our current mass media age theology clearly "rocks."
One other thing:
Almost two thousand years ago the nature of Judas was debated by the Church fathers --- and by all kinds of thoughtful folk in the the tents and caves of Palestine. Today it is argued in thousands of postings on the internet. Sample the discussion and debate in other internet blogs on this topic.
Which blog -- if any -- is God talking?
There appears to be little new in the Geographic's resurrection of the Gospel of Judas, a text rediscovered a quarter of a century ago. View parts of the "lost gospel" translated and printed by the Geographic.
What is new is the way the issue is raised to prominence, and promoted for mass consumption in a world with a mass culture appetite already raised by the titillation of "heresy" --- ie. the massive popularity of the Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code.
The National Geographic has a large campaign promoting the Gospel of Judas, featuring it in two new books, a television documentary, an exhibition and the May issue of the National Geographic magazine. Judas appears to be the favored disciple, given special disclosures from Jesus himself.
Two of the nine member Advisory Board are American academic specialists on Gnosticism, with a personal and professional interest in promoting awareness of this early competitor to the established Christian Church.
In this new old gospel the language is mystical, abstract, full of angelic symbols and visions of a heaven and an underworld. There is the familiar style of Jewish and early Christian Biblical apocalypse. Yet the abstract mystical linguistic flavor vastly differs from all four canonized gospels, each of which tells a different version of the birth, life, and death of Jesus.
And so Judas emerges as a favored disciple, with unique insights into the future, gained from special "access" to teacher Jesus. Saith this gospel:
"Jesus answered and said,
'You will become the thirteenth, and you will be cursed by the other generations—and you will come to rule over them. In the last days they will curse your ascent to the holy generation.'”
'You will become the thirteenth, and you will be cursed by the other generations—and you will come to rule over them. In the last days they will curse your ascent to the holy generation.'”
Judas Gospel
National Geographic translation and publication
National Geographics Advisory Board
Christian Church canon
Parts of the Judas Gospel translated and printed by the National Geographic
Da Vinci Code
Thousands of internet blogs discussing and debating the Gospel of Judas
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